Thursday, January 7, 2021

Prayer for Baptism of the Lord Sunday following Attempted Coup

Siblings in Christ,

We have just responded to the word of God by reaffirming our baptisms and the vows we have made there within.

We would be remiss during this time of prayer to not reflect on how our baptismal vows, our calling as children of God, and recent world events coincide.

Bishop Easterling released a statement that was endorsed by The United Methodist Church Council of Bishops. I would like to read you part of his statement:

“It is tempting to call for peace, for order and unity. And while we do need to reclaim the peace, we can only do so while speaking the truth of today's horror. It is time to name our reality, to name the deep divisions and hatred being played out in the Senate chamber and throughout the People's House. It is another watershed moment; a time to raise our voices to heaven and take stock of who we, as Americans, have become.

This alarming occupation and violence at the U.S. Capitol are symptomatic of the vitriol and poison that now infects our culture. It disheartens. The rioters who climbed the steps and walls of the Capitol sought to overturn the law, a fair election, and justice, and claimed their motivation was to defend God and their freedoms. They waved banners emblazoned with the words, "Jesus Saves," but this is not what Emmanuel came to earth to embody. This is a perversion of the Gospel. This should drive all of us to our knees.”

As the Bishop said, this should drive us all to our knees. And so at this time, let us pray.

As we pray I will say, “God of our Baptism” and together we will respond, “Help us live as your children.”

Lord, today we do renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of our sin.

We name them now before you:
We renounce the pervasive power of sin: that which separates us from perfect love of God and neighbor: Lies, prejudice, envy, greed.
We reject that deep seated and pervasive and desperate desire for power that infects us all. A desire to keep power which breeds corruption and violence - of which we saw the deadly effects of yesterday.
We repent of all of this. We recognize that which is within us and we pray Lord, root it out. Wash us clean with your baptismal waters.

L: God of our Baptism,
P: Help us live as your children.

Lord, truly help us to accept the freedom and power you give us to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.
May we start by naming them for what they are: white supremacy, racism, xenophobia, bigotry, violence.
There is much evil. And there is much confusing evil and good. Our world can get us all turned around thinking up is down and down is up. Help us center ourselves on you, Lord. Give us the freedom to see clearly that which is good: You and loving our neighbor and that which is Evil: violence, power struggles, war. Empower us to resist. Empower us to repent. Empower us to recognize when we need to turn around, and return to you.

L: God of our Baptism,
P: Help us live as your children.

Lord, may we place our whole lives in your grace. May our actions and our words reflect your goodness. May we bring glory to you in all we do and profess. Through us may all the people, people of all ages, nations, and races, know the love and goodness of Christ.

L: God of our Baptism,
P: Help us live as your children.

God, you are good. May we ever thank you for all you’ve given us and for the gift of baptism: that you adopt us as children and if children then heirs together with Christ. We lift up our thanksgivings before you, awash in the waters of baptism.

L: God of our Baptism,
P: Help us live as your children.

Redeemer, you know our hearts. Break them open for what breaks your heart. May we be instruments of your love and peace. It is with open hearts and open hands that we hand over to you in prayer those whom we love; those who are suffering in body, mind, or spirit; those who are dying, the mourning, the dead. Be with all in need of your grace and mercy.

L: God of our Baptism,
P: Help us live as your children.

We are your children, you, our good and faithful parent who hears our prayers. And so now, let us pray with the confidence of children of God, the prayer that Jesus taught us.

Our Father...

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