Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Call to Worship based on the Wesleyan Quadrilateral

L: We come together today to worship God.
P: We come to hear Scripture read and The Word proclaimed.
L: We hear The Word through the lens of Tradition.
P: We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses - aware of all those who have come before.
L: We hear The Word through the lens of Reason.
P: We give thanks to God for the gift of our minds, inquisitive, curious, wrestling.
L: We hear The Word through the lens of Experience.
P: We bring all that we are, all who God created us to be, our whole lives to the receiving of God’s Word.
L: We humbly ask you, Lord, speak to us anew.
P: Speak to us anew, Lord.
All: Amen.

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