Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Call to Worship for Easter 5C based on Revelation 21:1-6

L: Sunday is the day of Christ’s resurrection.
P: The day that Jesus broke the chains of sin and death.
L: The day where everything changed.
P: And so today, we pray for God to change us.
L: To renew, restore, and redeem us.
P: That we may share in the resurrection of our Lord.
L: Friends, take heart. For God is making all things new.
P: A new heaven and a new earth.
L: A whole new creation where we all will be with God.
P: May we feel God’s Holy Spirit with us now.
L: Sunday is the day of Christ’s resurrection.
P: Let us worship our risen Lord.
All: Hallelujah! Amen.

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