Friday, May 19, 2023

Call to Worship based on Deuteronomy 26:1-11 & First Sundays, New Pastor, Transition

L: Holy and generous God, you created us out of the dust of the earth.
P: Help us tell our stories.
L: Your steadfast love has been active in the generations before us, in the faith of our forefathers and foremothers.
P: Help us tell our stories.
L: You know each of us intimately, knitting us together in our mother’s wombs, counting the hairs on our heads.
P: Help us tell our stories.
L: You have been good to us, your Spirit always with us, shaping us, guiding us, never abandoning us.
P: Help us tell our stories.
L: In this time of transition and new beginnings, root us in our stories. Root us in your story. Today in worship and with our whole lives,
P: Help us tell Your story. Amen.

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