Thursday, December 28, 2023

Prayer of Confession & Words of Assuraunce, for failure to follow God's call

God of our Dreams,
We confess that we have not opened our eyes -
To see the needs around us: the hands outstretched, the aching hearts, the hungry stomachs.
God of Today and Tomorrow,
We confess that we have not opened our ears -
To what you are asking of us, what you are saying to us, how you are leading us.
God of Sowed Seeds,
We confess that we have not opened our hearts -
To go beyond the status quo, to get out of our comfort zones, to be bold and step out in faith.
God who guides us,
Forgive us for our complacency, for our shortgivings, for all that holds us back.
Help us to see the need, hear your voice, and follow where you lead.
God who always hears us,
Listen now to our silent prayers of confession.


Hear the Good News!
God works through us, with us, and despite us!
God is at work in our lives, our church, and our world
And God always invites us into that work.
God forgives and knows the good fruit we will bear.

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