Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Easter Prayers of the People amidst COVID-19

Let us now with joy and humility, approach the God who conquered death and rose victoriously from the grave, handing over all our hearts and lives before the throne of God, beseeching our Lord in prayer, and crying out:

L: Christ is Risen!
P: Christ is Risen, Indeed!
ALL: Hallelujah!

Christ, you went to the cross, suffered, and died - and yet you still defeated the grave. You broke the chains of sin and death - for us and for all creation. May we never forget the power of the cross. May we never lose sight of the empty tomb. May your praises never be far from our lips.

L: Christ is Risen!
P: Christ is Risen, Indeed!
ALL: Hallelujah!

Our Lenten fast has come to an end. And yet...there are so many in our world who are still wandering in the Wilderness, who cannot yet see the Garden at the end of the journey. We are all still in the Wilderness of the COVID-19 pandemic. Be with us now. Be with those that are sick. Those who are isolated. Those who are fearful. Any and all who are grasping at straws, struggling with their new reality. Guide us all through the Wilderness that every tongue may proclaim:

L: Christ is Risen!
P: Christ is Risen, Indeed!
ALL: Hallelujah!

Today we especially lift up those who face the daily reality of this pandemic, including health care workers from hospitals to nursing homes and essential workers from first responders to grocery store workers. Protect them from all harm. May they know you are ever by their side. May they feel the power of the Risen King guiding them through their day.

L: Christ is Risen!
P: Christ is Risen, Indeed!
ALL: Hallelujah!

Be with your Church, O Lord. Today our Easter celebration looks more like that first Easter than we are used to. Locked in our homes, uncertain and afraid. We long to be joining our voices together in praise. We long to be in worship together. Remind us that the power of the resurrection does not rely on our traditions or rituals. May we be overcome with the joy of Easter. Help us all proclaim:

L: Christ is Risen!
P: Christ is Risen, Indeed!
ALL: Hallelujah!

And Lord, we ask that you be with the dead and the dying. Give to them the sure hope and assurance of your coming resurrection, that we will be joined with you and all the saints in the Kingdom of Glory.

L: Christ is Risen!
P: Christ is Risen, Indeed!
ALL: Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Christ is Alive! The God who is Love has defeated death. May your hope be founded in nothing less than the promise of the Resurrection. And so now it is with the confidence of Easter people that we pray the prayer that Jesus taught us...

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