Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Advent Wreath Lighting, 4B, Love

Advent Wreath Lighting, 4B, Love

L: Christmas is coming. We feel it in our hearts, in our to-do lists, and in the crisp winter air.
P: Love is coming.
L: The space between us and the Holy is thin - if we just looked up, around, opened the eyes of our hearts we might be able to see angels.
P: Love is coming.
L: Christmas has the power to change everything - it changed everything for Mary. It can change everything for us.
P: Love is coming.
L: May we be ready for Christmas - may we be ready for change - may we be ready for Jesus.
P: Love is coming.
L: And so we light this candle of Love, inviting the God who is love, born on Christmas Day, into our hearts.

*Lights candle*

P: Love is coming - Love is here - God who is Love. God with Us.
All: Amen.

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