Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Prayer to be examples of forgiveness and justice

In a world that ever calls for an eye for an eye
Or seeks vengeance, payment, retribution,

In a world that likes even ledgers
And a hard fist to “balance the scales” - 
Stern efforts to attempt to “right wrongs,”

In a world that confuses revenge with justice,

Help us, Lord Jesus.

Help us promoted forgiveness, mercy, and peace.

Help us by reminding your creation
that we are all recipients of more grace
and love than we ever could earn.

Help us promote true justice, Lord -
Justice that never seeks pain or punishment
But Justice that seeks reconciliation and restoration.

As followers of a God who is love,
May we be examples,
Carriers of God’s love - mercy, forgiveness and justice
To all the world, in this world, here and now.


- Written by The Rev. Allison LeBrun

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