Thursday, October 17, 2019

Responsive Prayer of Blessing for Donated Items or Offering

Ever Generous God, it is with praise and thanksgiving today that we bring these offerings before you!
Let your blessings flow!

Bless the work of our hands! Through our service may we be the hands and feed
- the body - of Christ in this world.
Let your blessings flow!

Bless the men, women, and children whose lives will be touched by these gifts.
May they know the love of Christ through them.
Let your blessings flow!

May we see the face of Jesus, the face of God, in all those we seek to serve.
May we treat each and every person as if they were our Lord.
Let your blessings flow!

Especially today we ask your blessing about the ministry of our church,
Grace United Methodist Church and upon the ministry of Genesis House.
Let your blessings flow!

In the name of our God from whom all blessings flow,


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